Posts tagged “Great Egret

City at Dusk

San Francisco at sunset… I’ll miss it but I’m off to Tanzania for a minute to photograph other sunsets. Be back soon. Posts will continue.

Angry Birds

Snowy Egrets can often be seen foraging together in scattered groups but there is inevitably some tension and competition. When an egret decides it has had enough it isn’t shy about showing its displeasure.

The egret on the left was busy preening and looked up just in time to see the aggressor arriving.

Dancing over the water in a fit of rage.

The chase becomes relentless when the message doesn’t seem to sink in.

Prepared for anything, it leaves its landing gear down, dragging its feet in the water preparing for a change of direction.

A Great Egret watches the chase unconcerned.

Leaving the scene in style.

Egret and Reflections

This Great Egret was stalking the darker edges of the Palace of Fine Arts Lagoon and the slow shutter speed mixed the reflections beautifully.

Great Egret

Great Egret soaring overhead at Crissy Field.

Predation Series #5

A Great Egret with a prize at Crissy Field.

Predation Series #4

A Great Egret subdues a Three-spined Stickleback at the edge of Lloyd Lake in Golden Gate Park.

A Visit to Arrowhead Marsh

An American Avocet, resplendent in its breeding finery, chatters loudly as it flies over the marsh.
